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Volume 15, Number 1, 2025, Pages -                                                                DOI:10.11948/JAAC-2024-0123
On the operators of Hardy-Littlewood-P\"olya type
Jianjun Jin
Keywords:Hardy-Littlewood-P\"olya-type operators  boundedness of operator  compactness of operator  norm of operator
      In this paper several new Hardy-Littlewood-P\'olya-type operators are introduced and studied. In particular, we study a Hardy-Littlewood-P\'olya-type operator induced by a positive Borel measure on $[0,1)$. We establish some sufficient and necessary conditions for the boundedness (compactness) of these operators. We also determine the exact values of the norms of the Hardy-Littlewood-P\'olya-type operators for certain special cases.
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