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Volume 5, Number 4, 2015, Pages 704-720                                                                DOI:10.11948/2015054
Existence of periodic solution for fourth-order lienard type $p$-Laplacian generalized neutral differential equation with variable parameter
Zhibo Cheng,Jingli Ren
Keywords:Periodic solution, p-Laplacian, fourth-order, neutral operator, li´enard type
      In this paper, we consider the following fourth-order Li´enard typep-Laplacian generalized neutral differential equation with variable parameter(φp(x(t)􀀀c(t)x(t􀀀δ(t)))′′)′′+f(x(t))x′(t)+g(t, x(t), x(t􀀀τ (t)), x′(t)) = e(t).By applications of coincidence degree theory and some analysis skills, sufficientconditions for the existence of periodic solutions are established.
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