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Volume 4, Number 2, 2014, Pages 197-220                                                                DOI:10.11948/2014009
Optimal control of a finite-capacity inventory system with setup cost and lost sales
Baimei Yang,Yiqian Huang,Yifan Xu
Keywords:Inventory System, Finite Capacity, Poisson Demand, Markov Decision Process, Lost Sales.
      One of the most fundamental results in inventory theoryis the optimality of (s, S) policy for inventory systems withsetup cost. This result is established based on a key assumptionof infinite production/ordering capacity. Several studies haveshown that, when there is a finite production/ordering capacity,the optimal policy for the inventory system is very complicatedand indeed, only partial characterization for the optimal policyis possible. In this paper, we consider a continuous reviewinventory system with finite production/ordering capacity andsetup cost, and show that the optimal control policy for thissystem has a very simple structure. We also develop efficientalgorithms to compute the optimal control parameters.
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