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Volume 8, Number 5, 2018, Pages 1464-1474                                                                DOI:10.11948/2018.1464
A prey-predator model with Holling II functional response and the carrying capacity of predator depending on its prey
Hanwu Liu,Ting Li,Fengqin Zhang
Keywords:Prey-predator model, density-dependent, global behavior, Holling II functional response
      One prey-predator model is formulated and the global behavior of its solution is analyzed. In this model, the carrying capacity of predator depends on the amount of its prey, and the Holling II functional response is involved. This model may have four classes of positive equilibriums and limit cycle. The positive equilibriums may be stable, or a saddle-node, or a saddle, or a degenerate singular point. In alpine meadow ecosystem, the dynamics of vegetation and plateau pika can be described by this model. Through simulating with virtual parameters, the cause of alpine meadow degradation and effective recovery strategy is investigated. Increasing grazing rate or decreasing plateau pika mortality may cause alpine meadow degradation. Correspondingly, reducing grazing rate and increasing plateau pika mortality may recover the degraded alpine meadow effectively.
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