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Volume 5, Number 2, 2015, Pages 197-209                                                                DOI:10.11948/2015018
A method for image encryption based on fractional-order hyperchaotic systems
Jianbin He,Simin Yu,Jianping Cai
Keywords:Fractional order, hyperchaotic system, image encryption, security analysis.
      By using sequences generated from fractional-order hyperchaotic systems, a color image encryption scheme is investigated. Firstly, a plain image, which is known to users in advance, is chosen as a secret key to confuse the original image. Then, the confused image is encrypted by the sequences generated from the fractional-order hyperchaotic systems. With this simple encryption method, we can get an encrypted image that is fully scrambled and diused. For chaos-based image cryptosystems, this encryption scheme enhances the security and improves the eectiveness. Furthermore, the cryptosystem resists the dierential attack. Experiments show that the algorithm is suitable for image encryption, and some statistical tests are provided to show the high security in the end
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